Privacy Policy

Last update: 30/9/22

This Privacy Notice aims to explain how we gather and preserve the data you share via the website Wealthway Digital (the “platform”).

  • To be open about the handling and gathering of your personal data:

  • Personal information will be utilized solely for the intentions outlined in the policy.

We may handle Personal Data for several purposes, including offering the website to you, connecting you to third-party trading platforms (the 'Services'), improving the site, safeguarding our rights and interests, facilitating the upkeep and provision of the services, fulfilling any regulatory or legal duties, and performing administrative and business tasks to support the delivery and use of the services.

  • Utilize essential tools to safeguard your entitlements regarding personal information.

  • Protect your confidential information:

1. The Scope?

This document outlines the types of personal information the company gathers from individuals and details how it handles, shares with external parties, and secures these processes.

This Policy concerns data tied to a specific or identifiable individual. An identifiable individual is described as someone who is directly identifiable or through a combination of other data we possess or can access.

Our offerings are crafted for a general audience and are not intended for individuals under 18. We do not deliberately collect or seek information from persons under 18 years old. We also do not knowingly permit such individuals to utilize our services. If we become aware of any data pertaining to minors, we will promptly delete it.

2. What information have we collected about you?

When you engage with our services and channels, or browse our website, we gather personal information. In specific situations, we may ask for your personal details directly. At other times, we collect your data by studying how you use our services and channels or by obtaining information from our third-party affiliates.

3. You are not obliged to provide personal details to the company or face the repercussions.

However, you are not required to give us any personal information. In some cases, though, you may not need to provide any personal information to us. This could prevent us from delivering the services or block users from accessing the website.

4. Which types of personal data can we collect? While browsing our site, we will gather the following details about you:.

5. The grounds and justifications for handling personal information.

Your personal information is handled by the company for the aims outlined in this section, adhering to the relevant legal framework.

  • You have agreed to allow your personal data to be processed for one or more purposes. This happens when you provide personal details via the website so we can forward them to a third-party trading platform.
  • The organization or an external party may need to handle data to fulfill their valid interests. For example, it is crucial to enhance our offerings or to protect against legal disputes.
  • Compliance must fulfill a legal requirement.

Reach out to us via email for further information on the procedures required to protect the legitimate interests.

Legal basis

You have agreed to the handling of your personal data for one or several purposes.

To address your inquiries, issues, or feedback, your personal information is essential to assist in responding to any questions you may have about the services.

The lawful interests of the firm or those of an external party must be handled.

To execute and oversee tasks that comply with our service mandates, such activities encompass administrative roles, growth initiatives, strategic planning, control processes, etc.

The company's justified interests or those of a third party must be handled.

To perform evaluations, such as statistical assessments for making decisions on various matters, we utilize a range of analytical methods (including statistical ones).

The company’s valid interests or those of a third party require processing.

6. Sharing of Personal Information with External Entities

You may also request us to transmit specific personal information about you to external trading platforms. In such cases, we will forward the personal data you share with us to these third-party trading platforms. Their usage of your personal information will be governed by their respective privacy policies. Your data may be disclosed to multiple trading platforms.

The organization may share personal information with affiliated entities or business associates. This exchange equips the firm with the necessary resources to refine and boost the offerings it delivers to its clientele.

7. Third-party services and cookies

External services, including those offering advertisements on our site or analytics firms, may be employed. These entities might also deploy cookies or alternative technologies.

Certain cookies we utilize include session cookies. These are briefly stored on your device and expire shortly after you close your browser. In contrast, some cookies are persistent. Persistent cookies stay on your device even after closing your browser. They help the website recognize you as a returning visitor, allowing easier access upon subsequent visits.

Types of cookies:

We might employ them according to their specific intent.

The type of cookie

Biscuits are utterly essential.


These cookies are essential for you to access the functionalities you’ve requested and to navigate our site. Cookies help deliver the details, products, and services that you have asked of us.

Additional Information

The type of cookie

Performance cookies.


By using cookies, we can identify you on each visit to our website and retain your settings and preferences.

Additional Information

The type of cookie

Biscuits for efficiency


We use cookies to collect metrics on site performance and to improve it. They also allow us to conduct analyses on our website.

Additional Information

Cookies retain data that remains anonymous and is not linked to any identified or identifiable individual.

They can be discarded when you close your browser. Other cookies remain valid indefinitely.

  • firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • safari

This service does not currently honor do-not-track requests.
8. The Storage Duration of Your Personal Information.

The Company intends to keep your personal information for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes outlined in this policy or for extended periods as allowed by legal standards, regulations, policies, and applicable directives.

We periodically assess the Personal Data we retain to confirm its ongoing necessity.

9. Transfers of personal data to a third-party nation or to an international entity.

Your personal data might be transferred to other nations (i.e., your personal details could be sent to a different country other than where you live) or to global organizations. Global Organizations or Jurisdictions. The company ensures that all necessary measures are in place to safeguard the personal data you submit and guarantees that data users can assert their rights and seek effective legal remedies.

  • Transfer to a third nation or global entity approved by the UK authority as offering sufficient security for personal data in line with article 45 (3) of Regulation 2016/679 by the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 (the “GDPR”).
  • The transfer occurs in compliance with a legally valid and enforceable agreement between public bodies or authorities under Article 46 (2) (a).
  • The transfer adhered to standard data protection terms established by the UK government under Article 46 (2) (c) of the GDPR. These terms, authorized by the UK, can be accessed at

The Company can detail the security protocols it uses to protect your personal information when shared with foreign entities or international bodies. Please contact us via email at [email protected].

10. Safeguarding Personal Information.

We have implemented suitable organizational and technical measures to protect personal data. This encompasses preventing accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, or alteration of personal information.

We cannot assure or guarantee that your personal data’s security will be without mistakes. Additionally, we are not liable for any intangible, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use or exposure of personal information. This may include, but is not limited to, personal data being exposed due to transmission errors, unauthorized access by third parties, or other factors beyond our control.

Should we face legal mandates or other unavoidable requirements, we may need to disclose your personal information to external parties, such as governmental agencies. We cannot ensure these parties will safeguard your data adequately in such circumstances.

11. Links directing to external third-party websites.

12. Changes to this Regulation

13. Your entitlements concerning your personal data.

You have the right to ask us to confirm the accuracy of personal data collected about you, correct any errors, and erase any unnecessary personal data. Additionally, you can limit the extent of processing your personal information.

You have the right to access the data you provide about your personal information. To exercise these rights, you can send a request via email to the address below.

Access rights

The Company can confirm the correctness of the personal data being handled about you. If so, you are allowed to access your personal information.

The right to access personal information must not undermine the rights and freedoms of others. If the request negatively impacts another individual's rights or freedoms, the company may deny the request or limit its ability to comply.

Entitlement to correction.

Right to Erasure

This right does not apply if processing is essential (a) to meet a legal obligation mandated by United Kingdom law or member state regulations; or (b) to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims.

Limitations on processing

You have the right to request the transfer of your personal data directly from the company to another controller, if technically possible. Your right to erase data remains unaffected by your exercise of the data transferability right. The right to data transfer does not infringe on the rights or freedoms of others.

Right to challenge

Privilege to deny approval

You can file an appeal with a supervisory authority established by a member state to protect the fundamental rights of individuals concerning the handling of personal information within the United Kingdom.

The legislation of the United Kingdom and its constituent countries might restrict your entitlements regarding personal data about you, as outlined in this section 13.

We commit to delivering the required details according to your entitlements in section 13 of this contract within 30 days after receiving your request. If necessary, the deadline may be extended up to 60 days, depending on the request's complexity and volume. We will inform you within the initial month about any extension and its justification.

Provided that it does not conflict with the stipulations of section 13 of the law, information you seek under your section 13 rights will be furnished at no cost. Should the request be unreasonable or excessive, particularly if made repetitively, we may levy a fair fee to cover the administrative costs of supplying the information or performing the requested action. We may also choose not to proceed.